Friday, September 21, 2012

Called To Serve!

We have been called to serve as Area Medical Advisors for the Northwest South America Area.  On August 13th, we left our home and our family to begin our "mission experience".  We entered the MTC in Provo, Utah and enjoyed an incredible week of intense study of "Preach My Gospel" and a 4 day crash course on "Infectious Diseases and Health Care Training" at the Church Office Building, and 3 nights of Spanish.  We became great friends with the other couples that were receiving their training, as well!  They will be serving in West Africa, Sierre Leone, Russia, China, India, Mexico, the Navajo Nation in Arizona, Peru, and Hungary.

A happy group of senior missionaries.

Steve and I outside the MTC.

This couple will serve in Moscow, Russia.

We studied hard and enjoyed getting to know each other. 

     We were able to attend two devotionals with 2500 young elders and sisters that were excited to start their missions, too.  We loved being with these young missionaries and singing, "Called to Serve" with them.

      Below, we gathered with family in Orem to say our final goodbyes and got to meet Suzy's special friend, Robert, who we really like.  We love our family members and are grateful for their love and support.

Steve visits with Sue and Steven.

Suzy and Robert are talking to Ali.  What a cute couple they make!

Steve and Jace have a quiet time together.

 Suzanne fixed a great spread and still had time to play with AJ's son.

Chelsea and Shane visit while they cook.

We sure love our family and were so happy to spend time with them in Utah!

We caught the reflection of the beautiful Salt Lake Temple, where we were sealed as a family, and took time to reflect on the wonderful  blessing we have been given to serve this mission.   

Before we left Seattle, Audrey, Stephanie, Brooke and I were able to complete my mother's temple work.  It had been a year since her passing and she had agreed that I could do that and thought it was a good idea to cover her bases.  My dad, also wanted me to do his work, as well, and thought being married to mom for eternity was a wonderful idea.  
That day the temple grounds were beautiful and in full bloom!

The Seattle Temple was especially beautiful that day!
Brooke did mom's baptism, Stephanie did her initiatory work, Audrey did her endowment, and Steve and I will do the sealing of my parents, when we get to the MTC in Provo, Utah.

This could pass as the Garden of Eden!

On Saturday, August 18, 2012, Steve and I were proxies for my parents and sealed them together for time and eternity in the Provo Temple.  

 Going into the Provo Temple early in the morning!

When we came out of the Provo Temple, the sun was shining beautifully and we knew that my parents were with us that day and eternally grateful for this great blessing!

     On August 24th, we left for Lima, Peru.  After traveling for 14 hours, we were met by Brian and Jane Gough.  They are a lovely couple from London, who were fabulous about preparing us for the transition to life in Lima.  We were replacing them and spent four days learning our duties and becoming familiar with the area.   They showed us the beautiful area office where we will be working and also gave us a tour of the CCM (MTC).

Missionaries resting after lunch at the CCM.

The lovely courtyard of the CCM. 

Brian and Jane Gough 

We had a wonderful first day in Lima!  We not only took over Brian and Jane's assignment, but moved into their apartment, as well.  We were sad to see them leave and appreciate their hospitality, training, and new friendship!

This is our new apartment for the next 18 months!

Our apartment covers the top half of the building.  We have 2 bedrooms, plus a study and this is larger than most apartments for senior missionaries.  We also have a washer and a dryer, which is rare.

These next few pictures were taken from our 3rd floor apartment

Our apartment is small, but very comfortable and reflects the native feel from the weavings, rugs, and crafts.
This is our door to our apartment.  We also have a locked gate for our entry, and a locked glass door to our stairs.  Every one lives with many doors for their personal protection.
Our living room is small, but functional.

The living and dining room are one open room.

Our dining room is bright and cheery and we even have six chairs

This is the park next to our new home!

The neighborhood parks are very important to the communities and are very well maintained.
This is our view walking out our door.  We love the palm trees.

This lovely flower arrangement welcomed us to our new home.

     The beautiful Lima Temple is two blocks from our apartment and we walk past it everyday to work.  It reminds us of the covenants we have made and that families can be together forever.     

We walk 30 minutes to the Area Office Building and our office is on the second floor.  There, we process missionary applications from Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia, and Venezuela.  We also have a daily devotional before we start our workday.  The grounds are beautiful, as can be seen below!            

This is the front entrance to the Area Office and the CCM is located in back of it.  We spend a lot of time going back and forth to take care of those missionaries.  The Latinos spend 3 weeks in the CCM and the Norte Americanos stay for 6 weeks.

The following week, I was invited to a monthly "Lunch Bunch"and enjoyed Tatiana's lovely tudor home in San Isidro.  It's situated next to a park of olive trees brought over from Israel.

These are some of the brothers and sisters that we work with in the area office.  They had a cake for my birthday and it was nice to share it with my new friends!  

Steve then took me to Jockey Plaza for a wonderful Italian dinner and a most romantic setting.

Jockey Plaza is like an oasis to North Americans.  But for the saints, the Lima Temple is the true oasis in Peru, and is especially amazing at night!

This is a new building on the temple grounds.  The temple missionaries live on the third floor in lovely apartments.  The second floor has rooms to rent for patrons traveling from distant towns.  There is a distribution center in the basement, as well as a family history area.  On the main floor there is a lovely reception and cafeteria area.  

On the weekends the temple grounds are filled with members and many stay there all day.

The architecture is similar to the Boise Temple and they were built at the same time.

This beautiful new building is packed on the weekends.
It is very heartwarming to see how much the Peruvian saints love to be at the temple and to find out how far they traveled to attend.

1 comment:

  1. Sister Bramwell!

    Sorry I was little late but Happy birthday! Hope you had a great Birthday in Lima! All those photos look amazing!

