Saturday, October 13, 2012


     We love working with and helping the missionaries.  They are full of energy and excitement about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They come from the 5 countries in our area and from all over the United States and Canada and other parts of the world.  We are so impressed by their dedication and command of the Spanish language.  We often have them help translate for us while seeing the Latinos that speak no English.  It is necessary, for now, so Steve knows all the symptoms of the missionary!

 This is Elder Alvarez, who checks on the sick missionaries.  Most of these elders have lots of responsibilities in their missions and it is inspiring to watch them all do their part.
 These are the office elders for the East Mission.  They are all working whenever we stop to see sick missionaries.

 This is a lovely painting that all the missionaries enjoy in the East Mission.  Most of the mission offices have native weavings that are of the Savior or Book of Mormon scenes.

 We saw Hermana Smith for a rolled ankle, she's the tall one!  All the hermanas hug and give a kiss on the cheek.  They greet everyone that way, if your a sister! 
More missionaries at the East Mission!

This is the Stake Center in Independencia and the Lima North Mission is built adjacent to it.

Graciela Alvarado is our new best friend in Lima.  She is our driver and interpreter and has a travel business as well.  She worked at the area office for many years and knows everyone.  She is also in the  ward we are attending and we are enjoying her sweet family, too.

These are the awesome missionaries serving in this Lima North Mission.  This is located near some of the poorer areas in Lima, as seen in the shanteys on the hill.

The following pictures are from the North mission neighborhoods.

The following pictures are of missionaries serving in the five Lima missions.  There were 900 of them attending a special fireside with Elder Todd Christopherson.

The fireside was held at the La Molina Stake Center where we are attending Church.  It is located right next to the CCM(MTC) and the area Office.

The Lima Central and the Lima South Mission offices are next door to each other on the sixth floor of this modern building.  We visit them both each Monday.

These missionaries from the Lima South Mission are being transferred today!

Steve is meeting with these two companions and Elder Fisher is our interpreter.  He's the redhead in the middle and is one of our favorite missionaries.

We will miss Hermana Peck ( the cute redhead) who is leaving to return and report back home.  She is escorted by two sisters from her ward.  She has been a great help translating for us in the Lima Central Mission.

These Lima Central office elders are amazing and Elder Eklov (the tall one) is over the health issues and is delightful to work with in this capacity.

President Borg discusses with Steve the treatment needed for one of his missionaries.

These missionaries from the Lima Central show us where they are serving.

All of these next photos are taken at the Lima North Mission Stake Center.  The Elders were frustrated that they found investigators who wanted to be baptized, but were not married.  So, these elders decided to help these families obtain the necessary legal papers and organize a community wedding for any couple wanting to be married.  This wedding had 44 couples being married by a Justice of the Peace all taking their vows together.  The elders provided pictures of the couple, completed the paper work with help from the local government, flowers, decorations with balloons, a framed "Proclaimation to the Family", and cake.  There was an opening prayer, President Dorius from the Lima West Mission gave a wonderful talk about the importance of families and the roles of parents.  Then the Justice had the couples stand and had them say "si" to the vows.  It was an amazing and wonderful thing to witness.  The next morning, eleven families were baptized and the elders had a big referral list to contact!

The greeters!

Families arriving, some in decorated taxis!

Can you believe the elders decorated this cultural hall!  They keep all of this material to be used about four times a year!

The brides and grooms begin to arrive.
These are very happy missionaries.
This is Elder Uribe who is one of the assistants and is always smiling.

The picture booth.

Balloon hearts and swans line the hallways.

 This was a very happy day for many families.  There were over 500 in attendance.

Cake and breads were served, following the ceremony.
 These grandparents finally got married and invited their children and grandchildren!

When families arrived early they were greeted and given information about the church and the importance of families.

Great swans, huh!
These couples are waiting to get their legal papers to be married!

 This bride was so happy to be getting married and so were her parents!
The elders are getting ready to pass out the flowers and I did get to help tie ribbons on the bouquets.
Their moms and dads are getting married!  An exciting day for all!

The Bluncks and their daughter are the Lima North Mission Presidents and President Dorius of the Lima West Mission gave a moving talk about families.

Some were very young and others were very old!

This family had waited a long time to be married!

 The ceremony and talk by President Dorius!

The whole room was filled to capacity!

The vows are given for this civil ceremony!
The couples stand and respond by saying "si" where needed.

They are now married and everybody clapped and kissed!

Each couple came to the front and had their names read and a picture taken.

The elders then passed out the framed "Proclaimation to the Family"!

Her parents are getting married and what a great example they are for the next generation!

Photo day at the temple.

Temple flora and fauna.

These missionaries are in one of our five districts and are dedicated, obedient, and awesome!!!

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