Sunday, March 24, 2013


     We have made wonderful new friends here in Lima and have many opportunities to gather together for family home evenings, holidays, weekend activities, "lunch bunch", farewells, showers, shows, concerts, and lots of meals.  Here are just a few of these experiences we've shared with them.

 Our last "Lunch Bunch" gathering at Julie Adams' condo.

 Kris Bloomer and Mercedes Willis
 Norma Johnson just arrived and Mercedes was helping her.

This was a great turnout !

Kris and Bob Bloomer are leaving for Cusco, so we went to our favorite taco restaurant that we discovered and now it's everyones' favorite!

The next weekend we drove to the Barranco beach area and enjoyed the the colonial buildings, the park, the beach, the Rustica Restaurant, and great friends.  

 Phil speed talking to this pigeon.  He and Leslie are in the same ward as the Uffens!

 These men really are statues!

 Lots of people visit this area in the warm months.

Phil and Leslie Speed

This is a very colorful, abandoned cathedral.  There were black vultures covering the roof!

We said goodbye to Bob and Kris Bloomer at Pardos, just around the corner form our apartment!


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