Sunday, June 23, 2013


     Bruce and Jody returned to Peru to bring some of their family to see Machu Picchu.  We spent a fun day with them in Miraflores.

 We ate at one of our favorite restuarants by Parke Kennedy and below are some of our dishes!

 Don't worry about us not getting enough food!

Bruce and Steve wanted to do parasailing off the cliffs of Miraflores, but there was no wind that day!  So, we watched the latest pastime, which is walking on a thick band between two palm trees.

A young girl tries with the help of her dad.

We were all amazed!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


     We had a great tour to the Mineral Museum with Darrell, the Burt's and the Cardon's.  It turned out to be one of our favorite stops.

Look at these beautiful crystals

The ceiling architecture was very interesting!

This museum also had some Peruvian pottery and great tapestries!

This was our parking garage-pretty scary! 

Saturday, June 8, 2013


     We traveled by plane up North to stay with President and Sister Rowley and to present a health class for three zone conferences.  It was a delightful visit and the weather was in the mid 70's.  We stayed for four days and were very comfortable in the lovely mission home.   We started our week by visiting this wonderful new clinic/hospital where they have been taking their sick missionaries.  We were very surprised how modern and clean it was compared to others.

We were given a tour by the hospital administrator.

The equipment was new and same as back home.

Interior courtyard and cafe.

After the clinic, the Rowley's took us on a tour of Piura and this is one of the many statues in town.

This is the main cathedral and Plaza De Armas

We saw this funeral procession and everyone walks from the home to the cemetery. 

This is one of the branches that will be made a ward next month.

This lovely park is across from the beautiful green, Cathedral of the 12 Apostles!

You can see the white statues of the apostles, with the Savior in the middle!

We saw all modes of transportation in this beach town.

The street market was very colorful with lots of ceramics!

The Rowleys at work in their mission office and their office elders.

We had a great time getting to know these fine missionaries!

This is the mission home and lovely gardens.  

This was our room where many area 70's and general authorities stay when they visit.

A lovely place for the missionaries to gather!

Out on the streets, motor taxis wait for their next customer and open markets are everywhere.

A Stake Center where we saw some sick missionaries.

We rode out to the rice paddies and banana plantations!

Can you see the banana trees?  Below, they are harvesting and loading bananas for market.

These bags protect the banana clumps from insects!

Not all doors are equal!

Some missionaries live in the green apartments.  These are better than most!
This chapel is right next to where the missionaries live.

Beautiful triple boganvias!

Following are pictures from our three zone conferences.

Two of our CCM hermanas!

A rainbow viewed from the mission home!

Setting up for the next conference and more fun and games and counsel. 

They are scripture chasing, in order to make some basketball shots in a garbage can! 

That evening we had dinner with three sister missionaries and we'll be escorting one back to Lima.  She is being sent home 2 months early, because she can't get along with any of her companions.  She will stay with us overnight and we will go with her to the airport for her return to Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Sister Simon is the little one in the middle.

These assistants were great leaders and worked hard to make things run smoothly.

I took Sister Simon to the Lima Temple to take pictures and talk about setting her next goals.  We had a nice talk and hopefully she will be able to stay an active, productive member missionary.

We enjoyed having her stay with us and hope to see her in a few months, when we will travel to Santa Cruz!