Sunday, September 1, 2013


July became our cultural month, as we attended Swan Lake, the circus, and a tango performance.  Several missionary couples joined us for the festive evenings!  This is really tough duty in Lima and we are loving every minute of our weekends and P-days!  We put in full days and sometimes late evenings and are seeing sick missionaries everyday.  Steve is, also, answering calls all day long.  So, on the weekends, we get to change our schedules and enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of Lima with other senior missionaries and our other Peruvian friends.

We attended Swan Lake Ballet at the beautiful National Theater and enjoyed the color changes of the outside!  Eric would really enjoy the architecture of this beautiful building.  It's by far, the nicest theater we have ever attended!

It was amazing to see the color changes from pink!

Steve is sitting in back of the Cardons, the Burts, and the Adams!  The ballet was superb and the princaples were fantastic and there was a full orchestra, too!


 We are waiting in line for the circus to start in Churillos, South of Lima, and Julie is saving our place!

This is the "Big Top" and when you enter I feels very spacious inside.  They only had horses for animals, but the high flying acts were awesome and it turned out to be very entertaining!

Time to enter for showtime!

 This little guy was totally entertaining!

 Every seat was filled and once the show began there was no photos allowed!

The circus was set up in a mall parking lot and we are returning after getting ice cream.

 We all had a great time!

The next weekend we had dinner at a gourmet hamburger house and then went to see a tango show and demonstration and the two-man band was very good!

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