Wednesday, December 25, 2013


We had a great four days in Santa Cruz and La Paz, Bolivia!  Santa Cruz is a flat jungle area and there are 2 missions, the Santa Cruz Mission and the North Santa Cruz Mission.  The Willards picked us up at the airport and we stayed at their mission home for 2 days!  We started to visit the clinics and to meet the doctors that care for their missionaries.  It was good to have the Willards meet the doctors and see a tour of the clinics where missionaries go for care.

The Willards saw some members at the clinic! 

That night we went to the lovely Plaza De Armas to enjoy the the Christmas lights and to have dinner overlooking the square!

The Willards and their Health Elder!  They had to leave the next morning to do a Christmas zone conference, so we were glad we had a full day to see their clinics and see some sick missionaries!

It was a beautiful night in Santa Cruz!

The next day we met the Zambranos and their Office Elders from the Santa Cruz North Mission!

These are some of their missionaries that we saw for health reasons and some we had in the CCM!  They are happy and the North Americans are speaking Spanish!

This was a Physical Therapy office that the missionary use!  It is very small and not well equipped, but the therapist is excellent and knows how to treat!

We had a nice visit with the therapist and she knows what to do to care injuries!

This old tree is just outside the physical therapy office!

We stopped for a nice lunch!

The Zambranos took us to an open market that was very nice and we had fun talking to the shop keepers!

These are more missionaries from the North Santa Cruz Mission!

The next day, we flew to La Paz, Bolivia and were greeted by President and Sister Palacio!  The altitude is over 11, 000 feet, but we did not have any problems during our stay.  I think our exercising most days had paid off and drinking lots of water!

Sister Palacio had the office beautifully decorated for the missionaries!
The clothes are made from woven fabrics!

We stopped for lunch near the mission office and enjoyed a nice buffet with one of the doctors that takes care of the missionaries!  There were gingerbread houses everywhere!

We visited this clinic first with Dr. Garcia and the Palacios!

We visited this elder who had been here for several days!

                         This sister was suffering from bulging discs and needed more tests!

We then met with the clinic administrator to help establish a working relationship between the clinic and the mission!

We attended a zone conference and shared a health presentation and shared our testimonies!

Elders outside the mission office!

They took us to our hotel and were surprised how beautiful it was.  This is where the visiting General Authorities stay!

Looking down five flights on the top of the Christmas tree!

I liked this oil painting!

We have been very spoiled here in La Paz!

Outside our hotel are many Bolivianos that are in native dress!

A glimpse around La Paz which is a very lovely city surrounded by hills and snowcapped mountains!
The white building on the left is the US embassy which has no ambassador!  Relations are not good between the local government and the US!  There are no North American missionaries in La Paz, because two American missionaries were killed here about 6 years ago!  The government thought they were spies!

We toured this great German hospital/clinic and went to the roof to see a panoramic view of the city. 

Outside the clinic!

We saw our Christus from the Salt Lake Temple Visitors Center on the back of this local bus!  The Lord's work continues to go forth among the great Boliviano peoples!

On our way to the airport we were able to see many brothers and sisters in El Alto!   This happens to be the poor district, but has the most church members.  President Chris Waddell just created a new Stake here last week!

It looks like this hermana is folded in half!

At the airport we saw this wonderful Nativity that reminded us the reason for the season!  The baby Jesus is not placed on the manger until Christmas day!  We felt very blessed to have been able to travel to these three missions!

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