Friday, December 28, 2012


     The children we have met here are from all over South America.  They are beautiful, sweet, very friendly, and very happy!     

These twins were the first children we met in Peru in Miraflores.

The following children are in the La Molina Ward.

These boys are playing marbles, while their mothers sell flowers.

We enjoyed watching this boy try to be patient, while his mom was getting her carne card!

This little girl is dressed in native peruvian clothing.

They are playing with cardboard.

This mom (a dancer) and daughter are from Quito, Ecuador.

Her mom is a member from Twin Falls, Idaho and her father is peruvian.

Visiting at the temple.

The market by the Amazon River in background.  I wanted to bring all these children home! 
They were showing us their grubs they were selling!

They live on the Amazon River and were playing hide and seek with us!

They ran down to greet us!

This family lives in Iquitos and we met them at church.

These children are from the Sillustani Ruins area near Puno.

She is so adorable!

We met this family on Uros Island and the older sister is 12 years old and her name is Lydia.  They sang 8 songs for us in 8 different languages. 

These children greeted our boat as we landed at Isla Taquile.

This girl made all of these bracelets and they are beautiful!

A babe in Puno!

The next three girls were all dressed up for their parents weddings.  The North Lima missionaries organized a mass wedding for 44 couples who could not afford or secure legal documents to be married.  With the assistance of the local government, the elders helped get the legal papers, advertize about the weddings, and decorated the Stake center.  Each couple had their picture taken, given information about the church, a framed Declaration of the Family, cake and punch, and flowers!  Eleven families were baptized the next day.  A great way to get additional referrals!

Seth Elledge family with their nephew and nieces.  The sweet girl in the middle is Kathy and she lives with Seth and Yanina.

Miguel lives at the Cima orphanage and wanted to help me paint.    At Christmas, the CCM did a service project at this orphanage! 

This swing set was painted green when the missionaries finished.  Cristian and Jose couldn't believe how many missionaries came to help them.

Juan wanted to help the missionaries paint the swing set.  And Pedro, Alex, and Jose play marbles.

Look how this baby is being transported in Iquitos!

These boys were having a water ballon fight in Cajamarca.

Children at our Thanksgiving feast!

All these children attend the La Molina Ward!
I love this picture!  Many of the grandmothers care for their children's children!

Children playing at the beach with their families in La Punta.

These children were waiting for their parents outside the Cochabamba Temple!

Children travel with their parents by bus from Cusco to the Cochabamba Temple.

I saw these twins at a local market.

This little hijo was ready for the Peruvian Paso Horseshow.

She was, too!

Another little one becoming a horseman!

Our guide and sweet family in Cusco.

This little girls mom is in the young single adult group.

These pictures were taken at a park fair and the kids were throwing yarn balls across to each other to create this great web!

They finally caught their friends.

These children were playing across from one of the missionary apartments in Pisco!

I really wanted to take them all home!  I think I'm missing my grandkids!!!

These children were playing, while their parents worked at the Wholesale plant and flower warehouse in Lima!

A flower girl gets ready to throw her rose petals!

Children waiting for their parents to be married in the Independencia chapel.

This dad is getting married in a mass wedding organized by the Lima North Mission and will be baptized tomorrow.  He and his bride will then wait a year to go to the Lima Temple.

These darling little girls were dancing for a food and craft fair!

Kids being entertained at the food fair.

This was our driver in Ayacucho and his daughter!

 This was the Relief Society's husband and little daughter with Elder Hartvigson!
 Steve checked out her foot and found that she will be fine as she grows.  Someday, she will be a great missionary!

We saw these children at an Iguana Park in Guayaquil, Ecuador

This little girl wanted to speak English with me and we also got to meet her whole family!

This cute little girl was helping her mom sell jugo!

You can almost see the little girl inside the ball!

This little one is getting her face painted, while her daddy watches!

What a beautiful child and butterfly!

This group of students were climbing 144 stairs with us to the lookout over Guayaquil!

Marilyn and I bought a purse from this 15 year old!

These two sisters are members in Guayaquil, who lost their parents and are working for their uncle!  

These children just arrived to Quito, Ecuador to visit with family!

This little beauty lives in Arequipa!

These children were chasing the pigeons!

This little hijo and his madre greeted us in Chivay on our way to see the condors!  I love the children here in South America!!!  

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